Tips For Anyone Who Will Snowboard For The First Time

Tips For Anyone Who Will Snowboard For The First Time

There are some tips we want to share with you who are “going to the snow” to practice snowboarding for the first time.

Wear snow clothing

Wear snow clothing

The weather conditions of a snowy mountain can be extreme and change from one hour to another. The snowshoes were not created for nothing: you can either buy the set of pants and jacket, or rent the pieces. Be sure to wear suitable clothing. The chances of you falling and spending long minutes sitting in the snow are great at this first experience and if you’re not wearing snow pants, prepare to freeze your buttocks.

You definitely need gloves

You definitely need gloves

Often the temperature on the mountain does not require you to wear gloves and getting your hands uncovered can not bother you. But by practicing snowboarding, every time you fall you will need to put your hand on ground to get ready to get up.

Board size and equipment

My tip for anyone who is going to snowboard for the first time is to rent equipment so as not to risk buying a board the wrong size. In the ski resorts themselves it is possible to find the equipment available and a professional will choose the right one.

Board size and equipment

The first maneuvers

Keep your knees always bent and your body slightly bent forward to avoid falling on your butt, or at least decrease the number of falls. Going from side to side, try to keep the board perpendicular to the descent so as not to gain too much speed.

Taking Niseko private snowboarding lessons is recommended because it is exact way to learn snowboarding without experiencing a mistake.

What to do with your feet and arms

An important tip is to always keep your big toe up, as if you were flexing your feet: this is how you brakes and manages to keep the slow speed down. If you lower your big toes, you’ll fall face-first into the snow.