
Technologies That Will Shape the Future of Transportation Review

Transportation technology of the future is quite predictable, but many people debate which of these technologies will be adopted and which will die out. Let us have a look at some of the future transportation technologies and analyze their feasibility as popular means of transportation.


Driverless Cars

Companies are already testing driverless cars, and they are very successful. In fact, all the technology to have an efficient driverless car system is already available. Unlike traditional wheeled cars, they would be pods propelled by magnetic levitation making the system even more efficient. It has been estimated that the driverless cars will be everywhere by 2025. Why are we quite sure that the driverless cars will be a success? In near future, we will need the energy-efficient transportation systems, and driverless cars are expected to be just that.


Hyperloop is another imminent reality. Hyperloop is a transport system where capsule-like pods move through a near-vacuum tube. In hyperloop transportation system, the pods move on an air cushion propelled by linear electric motors. Hyperloop can achieve very high speeds comparable to airplanes. This is not all. The system is highly energy efficient, noiseless, and autonomous.

A California based startup is building hyperloop, and it is expected to be complete by 2020. In 20 to 30 years, hyperloop will be a common form of transportation.


Flying Cars

The technology of flying cars is already there and many successful flying cars have been built and tested so far. Flying cars would be a mean of transport in the future. However, there are some facts that point towards the lack of widespread use of flying cars.

Flying cars are not energy efficient and we do not see any possibility of making asignificant improvement in the near future. Unless we invent new sources of energy, flying cars will not be a common mean of transportation. Compare it with the helicopters. We use helicopters, but only for very limited tasks. They are not a popular mean of transportation for an ordinary person.
